Advertising major Group M and Optimystix Entertainment-promoted O4 Digital Media have teamed up to launch the country’s first digital video-led brand solutions company, MashUp.

The company will work with brands to connect with consumers on the digital and social media platforms using customised and differentiated content.

With Mash Up, Optimystix Entertainment, a TV production company, is now turning its focus to the rapidly growing online video space. Group M, the media agency network, is extending its online offering to include strategic content solutions backed with metric and measurement.

Internet video consumption market in India is growing at a tremendous pace, with nearly 80 per cent more video views in 2012 than 2011. The current market size in India is equal to 43 million plus monthly unique viewers and some 3.3 billion plus monthly total video streams.

To harness the potential of the untapped market, MashUp is to create "rich media video packages" and provide brands with additional effective touch points for sustained consumer engagement on social media platforms.

According to C.V.L. Srinivas, South Asia CEO at Group M, "Internet video consumption is expected to further increase six-fold by 2016''.

The Internet audience size is crossing the English-speaking audience size in our country and video has a larger role to play considering the format comprises a universal appeal, he said.

Sanjiv Sharma, CEO and Executive Chairman at Optimystix Entertainment, said, "India is the second largest consumer of online videos. Having produced TV Commercials for some time and producing primetime TV programming, we understand and service brand needs at an industrial level.''

Mash Up is to also provide other digital services including evaluation of the brand and its competition in the social media space, social media management and analytics and measurement of brand progress.
