Bengaluru-based artificial intelligence platform for hospitality industry, Trilyo, on Tuesday said it has raised $$250,000 (₹. 1.62 crore) in funding from Startup Buddy, Pulse Venture Capital and others.

Trilyo, a B2B hospitality industry SaaS company that offers AI-driven voice chat-based solutions for providing next-generation customer experience, will utilise the capital primarily to scale operations in India and South-East Asia.

With this funding, the firm will focus on the bigger picture in the hotel industry, it said.

“We are creating the next level of customer experience in hotels. Our voice-based concierge service, using Amazon Echo, is a first in hotels. Millennial business travellers expect luxury that is lean and smart, and that is where we are helping hotels turn intelligent and technology savvy,” said Abhishek Moharana, CEO, Trilyo.

Hospitality is a US$550 billion-plus industry and is growing at a compound annual growth rate of around 10 per cent. While hotels are already fighting a battle, a personalised guest experience is expected to create long-term loyalty, he added.

The wave of mobile apps in the past 10 years is now being replaced by AI-based virtual assistants to act as travel companions, said Amit Singal, co-founder of Startup Buddy, a solution provider for early-stage ventures.