A series of short ‘beepsodes’ narrating a story, with Honda Jazz in the centre of the plot, is how Dentsu One, the creative agency from Dentsu Aegis Network, decided to conceptualise the automobile major’s new advertising campaign.

The agency decided to use cuss words, given that conversations between millenials are rife with swear words. Thus, beepsodes was born.

“A beepsode is something we created,” Titus Upputuru, National Creative Director of Dentsu One, told BusinessLine .

“A beepsode is a webisode that has a lot of abuses that have been beeped out on purpose by the characters themselves. Hopefully, people will find beepsodes as a new form of content, because it gives the freedom to abuse without being offensive.”.

The first beepsode garnered over 1 million views in just three days and three more have been added.

‘Conventional is out’

As Upputuru pointed out, the youth “is more dynamic than ever, exploring and pursuing their insatiable passions. For youngsters, conventional is out, standing out is in. Uniqueness is what makes them interesting...which makes them sexy in the contemporary context.”

Highlighting the car’s technology and innovation, with “seats that can go completely flat so you can use the space as you like”, the agency decided to inform the audience via a quirky mockumentary.

“A mockumentary is a type of film or content that depicts fictional events but presented as a satirical documentary,” said Upputuru.

Abhinav Kaushik, Senior Vice-President, Dentsu One, pointed out that the challenge was to make the communication “as unique and differentiated as possible since the audience for the Jazz has, since its launch, become much younger. Moreover, as our audience largely resides in the digital sphere, we felt it best to knock on their social door, and devised a series of quirky, real-life webisodes, in a manner most relatable to them.”

Honda Cars’ Product Planning Head Navneet Kaur added: “We saw great merit in catching our prospective consumer in the environment most comfortable to them.”