Disney Star on Thursday said it saw 80 million concurrent viewers tuned in on TV to watch the India versus New Zealand match in the ongoing ICC World Cup. Quoting BARC data, the broadcaster said, “this is the highest peak concurrency garnered for the 2023 edition, followed by the India vs Pakistan match registering 75.5 million* concurrent viewers.”
“In addition to the peak concurrency, the tournament has garnered a total of 182 billion minutes* of watch-time (viewership), indicating a remarkable 22 per cent growth compared to the 2019 edition,” the company’s statement added.
It further said total viewership for the live broadcast of the World Cup “crossed 400 million viewers in the first 26 matches (BARC data)”
“The overwhelming response from fans across India highlights the immense popularity of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup and the unparalleled excitement surrounding Virat Kohli’s exceptional achievements on the field. The excitement is only going to get bigger with fans eagerly awaiting King Kohli’s pursuit of his 49th and 50th ODI century to break Sachin’s record,” Disney Star added in its statement.
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