With active support from blenders, good liquoring teas at Kochi auctions were firm to dearer by ₹2 to ₹3.  The prices were sometimes more as the sale progressed. Medium and plainer varieties also followed the similar trend.

With a good demand, there was also improved arrivals in CTC dust grades in sale no 51 compared to last week at 10,29,000 kg.

The quantity on offer in orthodox grades was 10,500 kg and the market for primary grades remained steady. A small quantity was absorbed by exporters.

In Cochin CTC dust quotation, good varieties fetched ₹107-160, mediums quoted ₹80-132 and plain stood at ₹68-85.

Prices of several leaf varieties also increased, witnessing a good demand. The quantity on orthodox grades was 199,500 kg.

The market for Nilgiri brokens and whole leaf was steady to firm and sometimes easier following quality. Better Nilgiri Fannings was also dearer. Exporters to CIS countries continued to be active, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

There was a good demand for CTC leaf and the market for brokens was ₹2 to ₹3 dearer, while Fannings were higher by ₹3 to ₹5. The quantity on offer was 72,000 kg. Exporters were active on Fannings and smaller brokens. There was also a better enquiry from upcountry buyers.

In dust category, Pasurparai SFD quoted the best prices of ₹162 followed by Pasuparai GD at ₹161. In leaf grades, Chamraj FOP-Su- Green tea fetched the best prices of ₹332 followed by Pasocs Green Hyson at ₹311.