Google has added a range of updates to its Google Snapshot feature on Google Assistant.

Snapshot is a ‘visual overview ‘ of a user’s day including curated, helpful information based on the time of day, location, and their recent interactions with the Assistant. Google had introduced the feature back in 2018.

As part of the new update, Google Assistant users can now summon the Snapshot feature with a voice command. Currently, Snapshot on Google Assistant can be accessed tapping on the icon in the bottom left corner.

With the new update, users can access the feature with a voice command- “Hey Google, show me my day.”

“This functionality is live for those using English as their default language and will continue to roll out to additional languages in the coming months,” Google said in an official blog post.

Apart from this, the feature will now also show reminders for upcoming birthdays and holidays alongside information such as agenda, commute times and reminders to pay your credit card.

“Your Snapshot will adjust based on the time of day and your interactions with Google Assistant. For example, in the morning you will see a card about your commute, weather, to-dos and top headlines,” Google said.

Apart from this, the tech giant will also provide tailored recommendations for recipes, podcasts and even nearby restaurants that deliver based on user preferences through the feature.