Lok Sabha on Wednesday faced a major security breach as two youths jumped from the visitor gallery to the hall, created a smokescreen, and shouted slogans. It is a coincidence that 22 years ago, on December 13, there was a terrorist attack on Parliament.

In this podcast, Nivedita interviews Associate Editor Shishir Sinha, a witness to the incident, who describes the breach during the parliamentary session’s Zero Hour. Two individuals entered the Lok Sabha, releasing yellow smoke and shouting slogans against dictatorship and calling for the protection of the constitution. Sinha recounts the chaos and the subsequent arrest of four individuals, two from inside and two from outside the Parliament.

The slogans included calls for ending dictatorship and claims of patriotism. With 40–50 MPs present, including a few ministers on roster duty, the intruders attempted to approach the front row.

Sinha highlights the professional nature of the intrusion and expresses concern about the incident, drawing parallels to his experience during the 2001 terror attack. When asked about security measures, he notes advancements such as barcode readers and holograms on passes, indicating a likely increase in security measures following this breach. Listen in. Read the full story here