Pouring rain in Bengaluru has forced organisers to take an early call on ruling out play until lunch on the third day of the second cricket test match between India and South Africa.

Forecasts suggests rain for extended hours even past noon, possibly leading to washout of the third day's play just as was the case with the second day yesterday (Sunday).

It's cold, damp and chilly in Bengaluru and the showers are unrelenting, reports said. According to India Met Department, worst is in the offing for the rest of the days as well.

This is because a well-marked low-pressure area (not a cyclone, at least three levels two steps away from being called one as of now) entrenched over Sri Lanka and bound towards Tamil Nadu coast would continue to exert its influence on Tamil Nadu, coastal Andhra Pradesh, south interior Karnataka (of which Bengaluru is a part) and Kerala during the next few days as well.

Rains set up by weather systems forming in the Bay of Bengal and impacting Tamil Nadu mostly have a spillover impact on Bengaluru.