There is a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases in Telangana. The State reported 274 new Covid-19 positive cases on Sunday. It also reported five Omicron cases in passengers arriving from abroad. Of the 14 samples sent for genome sequencing, five samples tested positive.

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Interestingly, all the five samples that tested positive for Omicron were taken from passengers coming from ‘non-risk’ countries.

Omicron cases at 40

The officials are taking samples from two per cent of the passengers coming from non-risk countries. All the samples collected from passengers coming from ‘at risk’ countries tested negative for Omicron.

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The total number of Omicron cases reported in the State has gone up to 40.

As many as 3,779 patients down with Covid-19 infection are taking treatment in different hospitals, while results of 3,661 samples are awaited.