As on July 1, up to 5,85,493 Covid-19 cases were recorded with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, of which it has said that 59 per cent or patients have recovered. The death toll has crossed 17,000-mark, with up to 17,400 deaths.

New cases have remained stable, with 18,000-19,000 detected each day across the country. Between June 29 and 30, about 18,653 cases were recorded. While 13,157 persons recovered in the last 24 hours, 507 new deaths were recorded.

Maharashtra has recorded 1,74,761 cases, of which 90,911 have recovered and 7,855 have died. Tamil Nadu is second in line with 90,167 cases of which 50,074 have been cured and 1201 have died. Delhi, third on the list has 87,360 cases, of which 58,348 have recovered and 2,742 have died.