Kochi Metro Rail Ltd has completed all the major surveys for the coveted IURWTS (Integrated Urban Regeneration and Water Transport System) project aimed at regenerating the canals in the city.

KMRL undertook the project last year on the orders of the State Government and awarded the work to Antea Nederland BV (Netherlands) for the development of concept, master planning and detailed design.

The company has completed all major surveys within a short span of time. “A detailed project report has been prepared and submitted for approval to the State Government. We have lined up the course of action including cleaning of canals, rehabilitation of affected persons, shore protection and canal-oriented developments, thus bringing life back to the canals,” said Alkesh Kumar Sharma, MD, KMRL.

“Through this project, we will bring these canals to the erstwhile glory which shall be reminiscent of the nostalgic past where navigation was possible. KMRL is also looking to develop more lung spaces along the banks of these canals,” he added.

Also read: Now, taxi through Kerala backwaters!

As the project area falls under the CRZ zone, the company submitted an application before the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for various mandatory clearances.

Land acquisition

Land identification and acquisition proposals are also progressing fast. As part of the social upliftment aspects of the project, persons residing along the canal banks will be resettled in a full-fledged housing complex that is being built to accommodate all those homeless. Land has been identified in nearby Kakkanad and acquisition process is progressing fast.

As part of Urban Regeneration, KMRL has plans to implement Canal Oriented Development (COD) projects. The activities included are initial cleaning, widening, deepening to maintain the cross section for flood mitigation and navigation, and bank protection and regular protective measures.

KMRL is planning to make the canals navigable to the possible extent and it will have inter-modal connectivity with the Kochi Metro Rail, Water Metro and the road network. KMRL also envisages to develop water sports facilities, sports complex, etc., he added.