Allaying fears that war may delay the acquisition of remaining two S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems to India, Russian ambassador Denis Alipov Monday said it’s on track and will be delivered as per the scheduled time in 2024.

“As far as the S-400 deliveries are concerned, they have been going on track and the chiefs of the Russian companies involved in those supplies have come on record confirming the supplies will be concluded in time and according to the schedule mutually agreed with our Indian partners. We are speaking about the completion of deliveries by the end of next year,” ambassador Alipov stated.

India purchased the S-400 Triumf air defence system units, which are effective against missiles and drones, in 2018 for $5.4 billion. Of the five, three of the systems have been delivered including one last year. One squadron of S-400 has been deployed in Northern borders to check growing heavy military deployment by the Chinese.

Balancing reliance

In the backdrop of India trying to balance its complete reliance on Russian military systems, Alipov stated, “Defence cooperation is very much extended and comprehensive. It continues despite the sanctions put on many Russian players in this sphere.”

On the payment issues, the Russian ambassador said, “Some problems that we face at the moment, like financial transactions, have been tackled with dedication and with the desire to find ways to overcome the stumbling blocks and the blocks that some of the Western countries want to create and has and have created.”