Instagram allows users to limit unwanted messages and comments from accounts. Similar to the restriction feature, the limit option enables users to manage harassment from groups instead of individuals. Instagram states that switching on limit does not affect account reach in Feed and Explore.

Also read: Instagram: Know how to set dynamic profile picture, including avatar

Limited comments and messages will be hidden unless the user approves them. The social media app also recommends groups of accounts that could be limited.

To limit Instagram accounts, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Instagram app

Step 2: Click on ‘Profile’, then on the three lines at the upper right corner

Step 3: Tap ‘Settings’

Step 4: Select ‘Privacy’, then go to ‘Limits’ under ‘Interactions’

Step 5: Now, select ‘Continue’ to proceed

Step 6: Select who to limit. The options include ‘Accounts that aren’t following you’, and ‘Recent followers.’ Then, set how long these accounts are to be limited

Step 7: Finally, click ‘Turn On’

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